
Buckfast, Italian, Carniolan


Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH)


 Now Taking Orders for 2024!


Autumn Morning Farm Beekeeping Supplies believes in providing options for our New as well as Experienced Beekeeping customers by presently offering Four queen choices; Buckfast, Carniolan, Italian & Varroa Sensitive Hygiene(VSH) to allow for better apiary diversity in working towards reduced chemical use in Honey Bee Colonies and increase Winter survival. Specific breeds have limited availibility throughout the season so please call ahead.


Buckfast Bees: Exceptionally Gentle & Calm will tolerate handling in unfavorable weather. Rapid population buildup in early spring. Brood rearing decreases with available forage. More resistant to disease especially Tracheal Mites. Frugal with resources therefore over-winter with smaller cluster and fewer stores. Excellent Foragers & Honey Producers.


Buckfast Queens: are available April 01 through September 30 and are PICK UP ONLY.  Please call for details.  Price is $42.00 per Proven Queen.


Carniolan Bees: Exceptionally Gentle & Calm. Tendency to Swarm unless given enough room. Rapid population buildup in early spring. Brood rearing decreases with available forage. Frugal with resources therefore over-winter with smaller cluster and fewer stores. Excellent Foragers & Honey Producers.


Carniolan Queens: are available May 1 through September 30 and are PICK UP ONLY.  Please call for details.  Price is $42.00 per Proven Queen.


Italian Bees: Relatively Gentle & Calm. Moderate Tendency to Swarm. Queen lays a solid brood pattern, producing lots of bees late into the fall. Excellent Foragers, Honey Producers & Comb Builders.


Italian Queens: are available April 01 through September 30 and are PICK UP ONLY. Please call for details.  Prices are $42.00 per Proven Queen.


Varroa Sensitive Hygiene (VSH) Bees: The VSH Queens that we raise locally are an Italian Carniolan cross and vary in appearance. The VSH line was developed by the scientists at the USDA Bee Breeding Lab in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Varroa Mites reproduce in cells with bee larvae. The VSH Bees are bred for their ability to detect Varroa Mites reproducing in the cells with the bee larva. When Varroa are detected, the bees remove the Varroa and the larva. This does not reduce the population of Varroa Mites by killing them, but instead interrupts their mating cycle. The VSH Queens are a great part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) System in working towards decreasing chemical use in the hive. These Bees are Exceptionally Gentle & Calm. Moderate Tendency to Swarm. Rapid population buildup in early spring. Frugal with their resources therefore over-winter with smaller cluster and fewer stores. Excellent Foragers, Honey Producers & Comb Builders.


Native VSH Queens: are available beginning April 01 through September 30.  Our Native VSH Queens are breed off of our survivor stock and are PICK UP ONLY.  Please call for details.  Price is $42.00 per Proven Queen.


Please note all orders are pickup only and any cancellations are subject to a 5% processing fee

Contact Details

Autumn Morning Farm Beekeeping Supplies

658 Sunrise Avenue
Barre, MA 01005-9521

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2023 © Autumn Morning Farm Beekeeping Supplies